You need some scraps of felt (or other material, or paper for that matter!), scissors, glue, and something to use for stems. I used pipecleaners, mainly because they're lying all around our house. No.1 Girl has a scrap table and craft container to rival any other 3 year old girl :)

I bent my pipecleaners in half so I could make 2 flowers out of each one. I also did some others on lollipop sticks, so you really can use whatever is at hand.

Cut long strips of felt, and then cut a freehand wave shape through it. That way you'll end up with one scalloped edge, and one that looks more like a crown. It just creates a bit of variation in your flowers. And you don't have to waste any. Remember..... use your scraps.

Glue one end to your pipecleaner, and start twirling.

Twirl, twirl, twirl. Add more glue at spots for more structural integrity - and then you're done!

I added tiny little scraps of felt in a contrasting colour in the middle of my flowers, and then even added some leaves to the stems. And arranged them in a tiny little vase (aka: a shotglass!)

Easy peasy felt flowers in a vase.
In case you want something proper to sink your teeth into this weekend in the form of handmade flowers, then check out what LollyChops has been doing. She is running a Wallflowers Week where she showcases about 3 tutorials a day for different flowers, in a different colour scheme each day. Today was "Sea foam green, marmalade orange and teal Thursday" (they're a day behind us of course), there was also "Yellow Wednesday", "Too much Teal Tuesday" and "Orange you Glad it's Monday" . With no clues as to what colours tomorrow will bring you'll just have to check it out for yourself.
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