Over the winder school holidays we took our usual trip up to the country to see our immediate family. I remember poor Judah was really quite unwell with a terrible cold and so it wasn't that pleasant a time on that front. But there were some highlights such as this day we spent with my sister and her family.
The weather was really quite pleasantly warm for winter and we spent the day outside in their backyard. They had a brand new puppy which the kids just adored.
Judah was so cute with it, touching it's wet nose and giggling at it's soft ears. I guess it was so tiny that it was not in the least bit threatening for this boy that had never had much to do with animals before.
I knew I had a puppy card somewhere in my stash of Project Life/Documenter kits that would be perfect for this page, but I couldn't remember exactly where it was. After a bit of rifling through old kits I even recruited The Trophy Husband into looking for it as well. Lo and behold, it really WAS in the very last kit I had! But yeah... totally worth it!
This spread was really such a mix and match of so many kits I couldn't even begin to name them. It was probably a result of having to go through 26 old kids that meant I could pick out bits and pieces as I went along. But it felt good to use up some of this older stash.
I debated long and hard about those leaves though. I mean, they really give out the autumn vibe don't they? But this event took place in winter so it doesn't really fit. But the colours were perfect and they are just so darn pretty that I couldn't help it!
Tell me I'm not the only one who does things like that right?!

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