Might have only just gotten around to photographing it, but the making was ages ago.
Let's see... this is the Poet Society Scrapbook Kit and Add Ons, so that makes it September!
Not sure why I did a Project Life spread with the contents of a Scrapbook Kit, especially given I subscribe to the Project Life kits as well. But probably I was just challenging myself to use more of my stash. And obviously it really IS all about using whatever you have on hand. The real point is about capturing the memories right?
Anyway, I do love these photos of Bethany with our aging family dog. She's a true farm dog, lives outside, barely trained to any other command apart from the call of food. But she's friendly and calm and just the sweetest thing. Which is why it was weird that Bethany was always deathly scared of her as a child. Somewhere along the way though things changed, and all at once they became best friends.
Meanwhile, I've actually got heaps more PL spreads completed. September holiday snaps now all documented. Working on Christmas next. Really gotta get more photographed though!
Will probably have to resort to a massive catch up post.
Watch for that soon.
I hope!