Is there such a thing as bright pastels? Oh well... you know what I mean!
I started building up the foundations of this page with my Studio Calico Galileo PL Kit, and snuck in one of my #100dayproject cards as well. But as for the embellishments, for those I turned to a bunch of Pink Fresh Studio bits and pieces. The colours matched so well, and are totally me.
Thinking of Easter gave me the perfect excuse (in my own mind) to use one of those Studio Calico moon papers that came in the matching 4x6" paper pad for the Galileo kit. The timing of Easter being dependent on the full moon was why it made sense to me.
And yeah, I even got as organised as to type my journaling up on the typewriter this time too. I do love the look of it - much neater of course. But it takes a bit more effort, and then it lacks the handwritten touch which I'm sure my kids will come to appreciate in time. As long as they can read it!
My April page went almost entirely in the opposite direction though. By that I mean I made all the cards in this spread (apart from the two with the small photos) and the colour scheme is quite quite different.
There's much more memorabilia in this spread too. The title card is actually a thank-you card I was given that I then just sewed 'April' over the top of. The graduation tickets are tucked behind the first photo, and then there's two drawings Moriah did that I scanned in and shrunk down to fit into the pockets.
I got a little clever with one of them. Let me show you...
When I shared this drawing Moriah did of all these detailed relief lines on Instagram I had lots of respondents who stated they could see hidden pictures within it. So cool! I've created a bit of a layered thing here to explain it. The top layer is clear plastic and just has the number stickers on it. Under that is the miniature drawing. Then under that is the hidden journaling with an explanation of what the numbers represent.
Catching up I am. Today I just posted the first sneak of Bethany's June page on Instagram. You can check it out here. I'm just a bit more behind posting them here on my blog. But I'm getting there hey!