Ironically this was actually the first project I created when the Happy Things collection from Pink Fresh Studio landed on my doorstep when I guest designed for them earlier this month.
The combination of the Dream Big paper and those gold-tipped vellum feathers instantly inspired this idea in my head that I should make a dream catcher.
It's not a totally outrages idea. My sister Emily from Jasper Lane Designs is the Queen of Dream Catchers, but hers are the proper fabric and ribbon kind of deal. She comes up with the best designs, different each time, and can whip up a custom order in no time (yep, totally spruking her Facebook shop!)
And I also had the embroidery hoop, thread and white feathers hanging around from a Makers Box project that I hadn't quite got around to starting yet. So it provided the base for my version of a dream catcher instead.
So I made it all up with the vellum feathers, the transparent triangles and blinged it up with the addition of some pearls too. I was pretty happy with how it turned out so I hung it up and took my photos for the Pink Fresh Studio blog.
But then I started to play some more. I couldn't help myself, and then went to town adding in a bunch of ribbons and fibres to it as well!
I love all the rainbow of bright colours this created, although I'm still looking back at the original design and wondering if I took it too far now? Doesn't matter though really because one look at it and Moriah gasped in delight and instantly claimed it as her own. Which is only fair because Bethany has her own original Jasper Lane version ;-)
Thanks Pinkfresh Studio for having me Guest Design. I loved every minute of it! And since I have enough Happy Things scraps to keep me going for a few more projects you'll no doubt see more of it around here!

Great project! I love the new Pinkfresh Studio collection. So amazing patterns and the beautiful! Same with your dream catcher - perfect!