With the Studio Calico Park Ave Reveal just around the corner, and Christmas fast approaching I thought I would put together a special holiday edition of what's made it into my shopping cart this month.
Not being the most diligent of participants in creating a December Daily (I'm still working on my 2013 album!) I thought it can only help me stay motivated if I sign up for a class. And knowing that anything Stephanie Bryon puts her hand to is going to be stunning, this one was a no-brainer. Class has already began and we're going through building foundational pages at the moment. But enrollment is ongoing and the actual album pages from Stephanie and the other contributors begin on December 5th. It's quite quite exciting!
Cheating a little bit with this one because I already have my hands on this die and it's a firm favourite in my Christmas crafting this season. You can see an example of where I've used it here. It's making my card making SO MUCH EASIER and it's going to be a breeze to put together Bethany's last minute annual "I want to give something to every kid in my class" freak out. I'm still waiting on that to hit. But I'm sooo ready :-)
Finally I've succumbed to the Letterpess craze and now I can see why everyone is obsessed with it. I tried it out for the first time this week and I'm in love with the embossed rich colours it's promising. Anticipating I would quickly need more plates I've already invested in quite a few! And inks! Here's my first little experiment on Instagram if you want to check it out. But searching the hashtag #scletterpress will show you so many more stunning examples.
I've said it before but I think if you're only going to invest in one new Christmas stamp set this year then this one has to be high on your list. It's already sold out a few times before at Studio Calico, but is currently restocked, so if you want to get your hands on it then now is the time. I can't wait to start playing with this. There's also a few awesome alternatives to choose from such as this one designed by Cathy Zielske, and this one designed by JJ Bolton that I'm in love with. It's a tough choice :-)
And lastly, just because no Christmas crafting is complete without a touch of gold and glitter I though this set of washi tape would cover all bases. So so pretty!

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