I'm now re-posting this here because even though a lot of this is not new information for those of you who follow me regularly, I thought you might still be interested in a little more detail.
About Me:
My name is Natalie Elphinstone and I live in Melbourne, Australia - it's a city that boasts all four seasons in a day. Dressing in layers is the key! I'm a wife and a Mum to two gorgeous girls aged 6 and 3. They constantly keep me inspired and are the one of the main reasons why I love this hobby. I want to document their lives, the funny things they say, the everyday moments and my thoughts for them to look back on later.
I'm also a full-time doctor, specialising in Obstetrics and Gynaecology which keeps me ridiculously busy. Often people ask me how I manage to find time for things like scrapbooking, and I say that when you love something you'll always find the time for it ;-)
About This Layout:
It's made with the Block Party kit from Studio Calico, with the addition of a few Evalicious Getaway badge buttons. I grew up on a farm and it's always a treat for my girls to visit their grandparents who still live there. They've got a lovely orchard and the girls enjoy wandering through it and picking the fresh fruit. Of course, not every piece straight from the tree looks as perfect as the ones you find in the shop and I snapped this photo of my eldest with a less-than-impressed look on her face as she inspected an apple. I find it very funny!
I always add journalling to my pages, it's something I strongly believe in. A long time ago I quit worrying about how neat it looks or whether it will destroy the design of the page. I think this is what the future generations are going to be interested in seeing - not what line of products you used!!
About What's Inspiring Me:
1. Colour Combos
I've always thought I've had a bit of a weakness when it comes to colour combos so this year I made it my scrappy resolution (does anybody else do that?!) to focus on making better colour choices.
I made up my own little colour palette to help me when I put this layout together. I was thinking about the colour of those apples - what do you reckon?!
2. Products I love
I'm very lucky to be on the Design Team for some fabulous companies. Companies whom I really believe in and whose products truly inspire me. I mean - look at it!! And this is just the stuff I've been playing with lately! So blessed :-)
3. Trends I'm following
I've jumped right onto the 'feather' band-wagon! This is one trend that I can't get enough of right now! Looking forwards to getting my hands onto these rub-ons from Jenni Bowlin.
Just to prove a point - here's a link to some of my own feathery creations:
Well that's about it from me! I'd love to hear from you scrappy folk out there. Tell me about what colour combos or products you're loving right now, and what trends are you following?