I couldn't help but play along with the 87th challenge issued by CSI: Colour, Stories, Inspiration once I saw the colour scheme. It's really interesting right? So it starts out with an obvious combo, one I've tried many times before - pink, aqua and grey. But then they throw in this avacado green at the end and it puts a whole new spin on things. It totally took me in a new direction, and instead of focusing on the pink like I normally would I ended up using that more as an accent colour whilst I concentrated on the cool tones of the green and grey.
The overriding theme for August was one of travel, so I dug out one more holiday snap (you must be pretty sick of them by now!) and got to work. I realised I had never actually documented the whole reason for our holiday in April. I have made plenty of layouts about the things we saw and did (here's just a few examples here, here and here) but I never explained why we went on holiday in the first place.
You see, it wasn't planned at all. Not until literally one week before we left. What happened was that one of my doctor friends was planning a holiday with her husband in Queensland to attend a wedding. But when she booked her accommodation with the hotel she accidentally booked the same hotel branch in Airlie Beach, instead of the location she was actually going to. Whoooppps! And then the hotel wouldn't refund her money, or transfer the booking across to where she wanted to go. A few choice words later she didn't have any resolution but was now stuck with a 2 bedroom luxury apartment booked for 5 days under her name and no way she could possibly use it.
Well, what was a friend to do but step in and offer to help her out and take it off her hands! It's not often you get an opportunity like that thrown at you. So I swapped a couple of shifts around, did a few favours of my own and hey presto - next thing we knew the whole family was flying off to tropical Queensland to enjoy a week by the beach. It was just perfection!
PS. I was surprised and amazed to see I had made the 'Most Wanted' list for the last CSI challenge, which was actually the first one I had participated in. It's not why I do these things, I truly do it to push myself and challenge myself. But it doesn't hurt! I blogged about that page here.

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