Something really amazing and wonderful happened to me this month while working with the soon-to-be-released Bluegrass Farm kits from Studio Calico...
The Main Scrapbook Kit turned out to be so fabulous that I found myself quickly and easily making first one Main Kit Only layout, then a second....
and then a third!

Usually by then I'm champing at the bit to mix in my Add On kits and change it up a bit. But the Main Kit had just the right mix of neutrals, brights, and fun graphic patterns to suit me perfectly. Matching it with the digital items helped significantly I will admit. So many possibilities with the printables and the stamps and cuts - these are all on my 'must have' list.

Now don't get me wrong... the Add Ons are simply fabulous too. In fact, the first one "Bessie" is quite possibly one of my top 3 favourite Add Ons of all time. It's going to go quickly at reveal I just know it. The warm mix of pinks, orange and yellow florals sounds girly (and you can obviously take it that way) but can easily be interpreted for a much more masculine graphic style too.

Add On number 2 "Clover" is going to be perfect for scrapping my Easter photos this year with it's combination of pastels and brights. It's also got the amazing cloud vellum paper which I'm hoarding, and this star paper which I've used on everything!
And did you work it out from the clues? Add On number 2 "Pip" is embellishments only. Yay! Now you can use this to extend your other kits just that much further! I had enough problems with killing kits before... this has just made it harder. But in a good way ;-)
The reveal will be live for subscribers in just a few short hours so you know you better jump over there real quick to snaffle up your choice of kits. For everyone else, there's just a little bit longer to wait. Good luck. Let me know what you end up getting!
Supplies I Used for April:
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