Yes - the reason for my blogging absence has been because I gave birth to a beautiful little (not so much!) girl whom we called Moriah. She was born only hours after my last post actually! She is doing all the right things - sleeping and eating well, and stacking on the weight already.

Isn't she beautiful? (A mum's biased opinion)
But Bethany is absolutely smitten as well. She keeps wanting to hug her, and kiss her, and pat her, and poke her.......

The other good news is, because Moriah is such a placid baby whom rarely cries, and who I usually have to wake up to feed her, means that I can still get some scrapping done!
Of course, with Christmas coming up so rapidly there is so much focus on getting some festive projects finished.

I decorated this box with some old Basic Grey paper, and made the bow for the top following a tutorial I found on the web. It was pretty easy, really it's just gluing strips of paper together!

And I did up these cute little Scrapware houses with some old book pages, and Creative Memories Starry Night paper for the roofs. Decorate with a few embellishments, spray some Glimmer mist and your done! Or so you think. My husband found Bethany quietly pulling apart the little house on the right after I had finished. She couldn't explain why she was doing that. I have a hunch maybe it was a cry for attention since so much of my time is being taken up by the new baby. Luckily, all I needed to do was simply re-glue everything back down again as she was careful enough not to destroy the bits and pieces.

And with all the presents we've been getting lately comes a lot of wrapping paper and ribbon which is a shame not to reuse in some way. I made these flowers out of some organza ribbon. Just cut some rough circles, melt the edges with a candle and sew some seed beads in the middle which holds it all together. I don't have a project in mind for these yet, but I'm sure I can use them for something!
Well, it's feeding time (which is what my life is dictated by these days!) so must dash.