If you have a Christmas tree then why not an Easter tree? After all, surely a tree covered in eggs symbolises new life better than chocolate bunnies?!
So this is what I did....
1. Foam eggs, collaged paper, ribbon and bling = egg decoration

2. Branches cut from our garden, a bit of gesso, and a quick spray of laquer to make it shiny = the tree

3. Stick it in a vase = an Easter tree!!!

4. Decided it wasn't finished and made this little fella to stick in the bottom.
Well actually, what I really wanted was a few of these little bunnies to put around the bottom. Hopping and playing and loving thier Easter tree.
But I ran out of time.
Even though they only took 10 mins to make :)

I followed this tutorial from Elsie Marley to make the bunny out of an old little baby sock.
A bit cute hey?
No.1 girl thought so anyway. She promptly took the bunny out and insisted on taking with us on our holiday. She must have played with it in the back seat for about at hour, keeping herself amused.
10mins of creating very well spent I say!

PS. This is what was in the vase before the Easter tree made it's appearance in my imagination and then took form.
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