Lets just start with this one today and get it out of the way. It went in a whole other direction than what I had in my head and I openly admit that I'm not really happy with how it ended up. In fact, I actually stood there and debated with myself for quite a while whether I would even include it with my other projects when I submitted them to JBS.
But I ended up sharing it for three reasons. One, I had already claimed that I would be participating in the Mixed Media Challenge that was happening on the JBS forum and I wasn't sure I was going to be able to do a different project in it's place.
Two - I really loved the concept of including all 4 of these fun photos of My Munchy on a page. I'm all for telling a story with my journaling, but in looking at my layouts I do tend towards the one-photo-per-page style the vast majority of the time. Doesn't make sense does it?!!
And three - just because a page doesn't necessarily look 'pretty' in the end, it was most certainly a process I went on and I learnt a lot. As Julie Balzer says "there are no mistakes, there are just creative opportunities". I'm pretty sure that in the years to come my kids aren't really going to care so much about how my pages are designed, but more about the memories they capture. So that's probably a good fourth reason :-)
I really like the way you have incorporated all 4 beautiful photos into your page - I love your title and the 'busy' feel of all the elements :)