And whilst I've got your attention can I also turn it to the fact that I've just posted my very first contribution to the JBS blog! Eeeekk! How exciting!
Here's a sneak peek of the page I made, and just for you my loyal bloggy followers, this is a peek that you won't see on the JBS blog ;-)
And lastly, if you can work out what these 4 layouts have in common, then I've just given you a big hint into some new and exciting news that will be announced next week. I'm still grinning from ear to ear at the mere thought of it!
Grrr...I'm trying to figure it out, Nat...but you've got me - birds? Nup...Yellow? Nup...Christmas? ....Nup? Celebrations...Nup....maybe I'm just THICK AS...anyways, now I'll be stalking to see what's happening. Not that I'm a sticky beak or anything like that!!!! And they all have fab, fab, fab bg's...maybe that's it????!!!!!