So instead, here's a few older layouts that I haven't yet posted (but which aren't necessarily my favourites).

This one is when my No. 1 girl turned 3 and insisted on feeding everyone on the table her cake.

This is a very old photo of riding on the carousel at Melbourne Zoo. That's my husband in the foreground and my brother on the left. You can just see my head poking up over the horse as I'm desperately making sure No. 1 doesn't fall off!

This is the one and only layout I've scrapped of our wedding (so far) despite being about to celebrate our 7th anniversary on the 4th of this month. That's our real (photocopy) of our wedding certificate in the background!

No. 1 girl just loves to paint and 'scrap' whenever I do. She's even got her own scrap table, complete with plastic on the floor underneath it, and must wear her giant art-smock whenever she's creating. This was learnt the hard way.

A happy family snap (before No. 2 girl came along).
There's actually plenty of other old layouts to show you but they may just have to wait another day.
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