Then today on The Gal Blog they have done a post on simple repeated punched patterns. Spooky, I tell you.
In other good news.....

I submitted my very first layout for consideration for publication in Scrapbook News and Review Magazine, and it was accepted! I mean, I submitted a layout for consideration for the very first time, not I submitted the very first layout I did. That would be horrific.
It's not a layout you have seen because I never got around to posting it here. I had finished it only the day I was reading about the upcoming calls for this magazine, and realised it fitted nicely into their criteria and thought 'what have I got to lose?'
The layout has been published in the January edition which was out on the 24th. Of all things it will be published in the Digital Delights Inspiration section. No, it is not a digital layout. It's real, you can touch it. But it's under the 'writing on photos' section. I've been playing with Photoshop!
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