
Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Story of the Grade 1 Report

So before we get too caught up in the hype that is the Studio Calico February Sugar Rush kits (and believe me... the hype is justified!) I wanted to share with you a little more in-depth look at one of my layouts from the January Copper Mountain reveal.

It's fairly straightforward on first impressions, I'll give you that. There's some real fun bits like the cluster of enamel dots and puffy hearts down in the corner.

And there's the exclusive die cut shapes and wood veneer that came in the High Point add-on that were super fun and suited this school themed layout perfectly.

But the real star of this layout is the photo, or more specifically, what lies behind the photo. The jumble of tags hanging out the side gives you a hint that there just might be more here than meets the eye ;-) I need that visual clue myself, because once this baby makes it into an album (putting that job on my to-do list) it might flatten out a little and not be so obvious that there's layers to be discover underneath. And hopefully the title will give it away too.

Because what I've done is to include a miniature version of Munchy's entire Grade 1 School Report right into my layout! Being 4 pages long, and needing to keep it still readable I decided the only way to do it was to create this little mini-album of sorts. I first scanned in her report, shrunk it down and then printed it out just on regular copy paper.

Each page of the Report has it's own spot in the 'album' by sticking it to a folded piece of paper sandwhiched between the front cover (with the photo on the front) and the back which is firmly attached to my layout. Love that microscope from one of the October Afternoon papers right?!

Meanwhile, if you want to check out some real experts putting together some real mini-albums then you might want to come and have a look at the new class offering from Studio Calico, called Mini Book Workshops. Four of the Creative Team (Maggie Holmes, Marcy Penner, Celine Navarro and Nicole Reaves) putting together 4 Mini Books over the course of the year.

You can sign up for the Workshops individually as they come out (first up is Nicole Reaves' gorgeous album) or get a major discount by signing on for the full 4. Find out all the details in the Classrooms here!
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  1. oh wow!! so very cute!!! Love the mini book..x

  2. Very, very clever...& an easy way to store those LOOOOONG school reports. Sheesh! When I was at school it was one thin page with a number against the subject & one comment at the bottom! How times have changed!!! LOOOOVE those wooden bits & bobs:):)

  3. Brilliant your page!

  4. Great idea to keep a copy of the report. Looks like she did quite well too.

  5. What an awesome idea and great page!!!


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